The faggot and the tranny
A story as old as time
Written by Angel and contributions by Haleema Galang
I sat there on my bed, forcibly inhaling the cum stained, booty smelling popper filled air. The taste of it was almost like eating ass that had never been washed. To give you guys some context, my name is Angel and I live in 2030. In this world, the faggots have taken over. We were all pretty scared, I mean once they got the right to marry, they were actually close to human rights! And thats horrible for literally everyone else. If one group of people needed to be discriminated against, it should be them. Everyone said it wouldn't be good for us trannies, theres too few of us and the gay men will make us look bad because they are ignorant to all issues but their own. But I never thought it would be this bad... Gays for trump and LGB has taken over the world. All of our agenda has been taken away by the queers, and they're forcing every man woman and child to douche. It converts them to gayism. They can't get us trannies though, because we know their tricks. We were once the faggots they live as, so no douche could ever penetrate us. But sadly still, my whole queer family is gone. They all fought each other to death on who was the prettiest, and coz I couldn't afford my facial surgery, they all just ignored me. I'm so sad. And alone. Please don't kill me faggoty queers!
On the other side of the world... lays HALEEMA GALANG